Seminars & Workshops
Seminars and Workshops are usually one time, one-hour classes (there are a few exceptions). Seminars are typically informational in nature and do not require your dog to be present. Workshops require a dog and practicing the skill the workshop is designed for. Both types really focus down on one skill, topic or problem area for examaple grooming, jumping or barking.
Tell us what you need help working on.
Current Offerings

K-9 Grooming Essentials
Do you have a new puppy? Do you want to get them used to being groomed and handled? This class is great for learning about nail trims, handling, brushing and at home upkeep. Every dog will be groomed at some point in their life. The early you can get them used to the process the easier it will be in the future.
$35/1 Hour
Bathroom Etiquette
This hour long seminar goes over the key points of potty trianing. We will discuss how to get your dog to go outside, how to get them to potty on que and how to know that they need to go out. Let's make a plan that is best for your specific dog and family structure. First, we will understand why you are having the issue and then and then we will create a new plan of attack.
($30/1 hour)
Reliable Recall Readiness
Let's learn the ins and outs of getting a solid recall onboard. Why don't they listen and what can you do to help? This will all be answered in this workshop. Recall is the most important skill your dog can learn as it is life saving in dangerous situations.
($50/2 sessions)
Custom Seminars & Workshops
Prices and Times Vary
Don't see what you're looking for? The seminars and workshops above are just jumping off points. Are you looking to work on play biting, jumping or barking email us and let us know. We'd love to create a seminar and workshop for the behavior you would like to know more about.